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1. Introduction

1.1. It is a staged MTB race, divided into 3 stages.

1.2. It is an individual competition at the following level:

  • Stage 1: UCI XCO C3
  • Stage 2: Regional marathon
  • Stage 3: UCI XCO C3

(only the PRO test) for federated members. It can also be played as a couple or individually in an OPEN way (cycling license or contracting the day license).

1.3. The competition will take place from April 18th to 21th of 2025.

1.4. The competition is held in the town of Igualada (Barcelona).  All departures and arrivals are made from the same point.

1.5. The competition follows the technical and sporting regulations of the UCI (International Cycling Union) in the elite male categories and of the FCC for the rest of the categories.

2. Registration

2.1. Anyone wishing to participate in this competition must register on the official website: For the registration to be valid, it is mandatory to fill in all the required fields in the form and pay the registration fees.

2.2. The registration period ends on April 16th of 2025.

2.3. Participants must be in possession of a cycling competition license, issued by a national cycling federation approved by the UCI. Participants wishing to compete in the UCI Elite Men’s and Women’s categories must hold an annual cycling competition license.

2.4. If you have a cycling license, you can participate in the OPEN/POPULAR modality. It is also possible to purchase a day license, at an additional cost of €6.

2.5. IMPORTANT: In accordance with the regulations of the Real Federación Española de Ciclismo (RFEC), foreign participants with a cycling license not processed by the RFEC must have a written authorization from their national federation, an exit permit, certifying that their insurance It is valid in Spain. This document must be presented to the Commissioners in order to collect the number.

2.6. During the administrative checks, a bracelet will be given to all participants, which they must wear during the competition days. This bracelet allows access to the areas reserved for participants and guarantees compliance with security measures.

2.7. The registration price per participant is:

2.8. Registration includes:

  • The right to take part in the competition.
  • Marked track.
  • Official commemorative jersey INVERSE VolCat Igualada.
  • Plate and dorsal.
  • Timing.
  • Liquid and solid supplies.
  • Final supplies of each stage.
  • VolCAT Igualada finisher gift (only for participants of 2 stages)
  • Closing of the race.
  • Medical services.
  • Toilets/showers.
  • Biker guide.
  • Bike wash
  • Bike guard

2.9. Other:

  • Motorhome area close to the competition village.

2.10. In the event of disqualification or withdrawal from the competition, the registration fee will not be refunded, in whole or in part.

2.11. Cancellation and changes policy (regarding the registration price):

Return policy according to the date of request, for those registered who do NOT contract the return guarantee.

Period % Return
Until February 25, 2025 75%
From February 26 to March 26, 2025 50%
As of March 27 there is NO refund.

Change of ownership

Allowed with a charge of €10, it can be managed automatically in your registration file on the registration platform.

3. Participants

3.1. All participants must be at least 19 years old (PRO) and 16 years old (OPEN) on December 31 of the year in which the competition takes place.

3.2. Participants can register in these categories in the PRO / COMPETITION modality:

  • CADET MALE. Boys who turn 16 on December 31 of the year in which the test is held.
  • CADET FEMALE. Girls who turn 16 on December 31 of the year in which the test is held.
  • MASTER 30. Men and women who are 30 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. If they maintain the Elite license they will not be able to compete in Master 30.
  • MASTER 40. Men and women who are 40 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. If they maintain the Elite or Master 30 license they will not be able to compete in Master 40.
  • MASTER 50. Men who are 50 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. If they maintain the Elite, Master 30 or Master 40 license they will not be able to compete in Master 50.
  • MASTER 60. Men who are 60 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. If they maintain the Elite, Master 30, Master 40 or Master 50 license they will not be able to compete in Master 60.

3.3. The bib numbers will be assigned by categories and according to the order of registration and the last update of the UCI ranking.

3.4. Participants can register in these categories in the OPEN / POPULAR modality:

  • MEN’S OPEN. Men who are 16 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held.
  • FEMALE OPEN. Women who are 16 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held.
  • MEN’S OPEN DUO. Couple formed by two men who are 16 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. They can be holders of the competition license (since it is a category not recognized by the UCI, it is not possible to opt for prizes or UCI points), a day license cycling license is admitted.
  • FEMALE OPEN DUO. Couple formed by two women who are 16 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. They can be holders of a competition license (as it is a category not recognized by the UCI, it is not possible to opt for prizes or UCI points), a cycling license or a day license.
  • MIXED DUO OPEN. Couple formed by a man and a woman who are 16 years of age or older on December 31 of the year in which the test is held. They can be holders of a competition license (as it is a category not recognized by the UCI, it is not possible to opt for prizes or UCI points), a cycling license or a day license.
  • STAGE. Modality where the participant can choose the stage that she wants to do from the 2. Minimum Age 16 years or more on December 31 of the year of the test.

3.5. All participants who only register for one or two stages, even if they have a valid UCI federation license, will only participate in the OPEN category.

3.6. All those participants who are registered in the PRO category and drop out of the race, may continue to participate, but only in the OPEN category and with all the regulations that govern this modality.

4. Participant information

4.1. All changes will be announced on the race information billboard, and it will be the responsibility of the participants to stay informed. The official website of the race will also have an informative poster to keep up to date with all the latest news and on the competition’s social network.

5. Race procedure

5.1. This competition follows the general regulations of the UCI and the specific regulations of Mountain Bike of the UCI.

5.2. After each stage, the results of the stage and the general classification will be published on the official website of the race and on the information billboard.

5.3. The starting box area will open 20 minutes before departure time.

5.4. The starting order will be according to the general classification of the competition.

5.5. Five minutes before the start time, access to the start area will be prohibited and the participants that are added will be placed at the end of each of the start groups.

5.6. No participant can join the race once the official start has been given, unless a commissioner allows it. Participants who start after the official start will be considered DNS (Did Not Start).

5.7. Any breach of the regulation will mean the disqualification of the participant in question.

5.8. Participants who are no longer part of the official classification may continue to participate in the event in a non-competitive manner, as long as it does not influence the development of the competition. In case of not respecting this rule, they will be expelled from the race, without the possibility of continuing.

6. Cutting times

6.1. Court hours. The organization establishes a cutting speed, which may be applied if necessary. The established median is 10 km/h and it will be established whenever the organization deems it necessary.

7. Departure neutralized

6.1. Court hours. The organization establishes a cutting speed, which may be applied if necessary. The established median is 10 km/h and it will be established whenever the organization deems it necessary.

7. Departure neutralized

7.1. For security reasons, the start of any stage can be neutralized. The start will be led by an official vehicle of the race. After the race director gives the start to the stage, the participants can start competing.

7.2. When the official car has reached the end of the neutralized section, it will stop to one side to indicate the end of the neutralization.

7.3. During the neutralized start it is forbidden to overtake the vehicle leading the start.

8. Track

8.1. This route will be duly signposted with markings, especially at conflictive points, such as crossroads or streets.

8.2. The route will be marked and properly controlled by the authorities, the participant will have to keep an eye on the tracks as it may be possible that there is an authorized vehicle in circulation.

8.3. The route includes demanding climbs and sections with technical descents. It is the responsibility of the participant to decide which section is cyclable. The organization is not responsible for the abilities or fitness of each of the participants.

8.4. During the tour there are checkpoints.

8.5. At the control points, a commissioner will write down the bib number of each participant and his time.

8.6. Skipping a control point will mean the disqualification of the participant in question.

8.7. Not following the indications in a segment will mean the disqualification of the participant in question.

8.8. The abandonment of the route established by the organization will mean the disqualification of the participant in question.

9. Refreshments

9.1. The refreshment areas are duly signposted along the route. In these you will find everything you need to cover the needs of runners between stages in terms of food and hydration.

9.2. The equipment supply points will be the points where assistance will be allowed.

10. Marking

10.1. The race will be marked with tapes and direction arrows. It is not necessary to use any electronic device to follow the race, but it is recommended to bring the downloaded track.

ATTENTION! The track is provisional and can change until the day before the race!

11. Dropouts

11.1. Any participant who leaves must inform the organization as soon as possible.

11.2. Failure to report the abandonment could lead to expulsion from the competition.

11.3. In case of accident or emergency, and taking into account the safety of the participants, the organization reserves the right to force the withdrawal of a participant from the competition.

12. Results

12.1. The results of each stage are established according to the time required to complete each of the stages, plus the penalties.

12.2. The total time of the completed stages and the total penalty time determine the final rankings.

12.3. Each stage will be an independent race where the corresponding UCI points will be awarded, where there will be an independent daily classification.

12.4. The following classifications are established in the PRO/COMPETITION modality:

  • Elite/ Under 23 female
  • Elite/ Sub 23 male
  • Junior male
  • Junior female
  • Male cadet
  • Female cadet
  • Master 30 male
  • Master 30 female
  • Master 40 female
  • Master 40 female
  • Master 50 male
  • Master 50 female
  • Master 60 male
  • Master 60 female

In the OPEN/POPULAR modality, the classification will be according to the following categories:


12.4. There is a PRO to Elite female and male classification.

12.5. Any participant who does not officially complete all three stages is not considered a Finisher.

12.6. All participants wear a single-use chip to be able to record their times and be able to follow up. The stewards must approve these times to validate the results.

13. Awards

13.1. There will be an award ceremony for each stage and for the first in each category, only for the PRO/COMPETITION modality.

The first three of the masculine and feminine general and the first 3 of each category will climb to the podium.

13.2. Classification by teams: The first 3 integrated score, and the times of the 3 runners are added up. The sum of the times of the 2 stages gives the final classification by teams.

13.3.  The trophies of the OPEN modality will be delivered to the first 3 of the GENERAL classification of each modality on the last day of the competition, except for the day modality that will not have a GENERAL classification.

13.4. Prize money:

By stage:

  • Top five  Elit men and top five Elit women: €200 / €150 / €100 / €75 / €50
  • First five men and five first women Junior: €65 / €50 / €30 / €25 / €20

The prizes will be paid to the corresponding winners by bank transfer within a maximum term of two months after the race. The runner’s dossier and the information panel of each test will be informed of the procedure to receive the prize:

If you are one of the winners, you can write an email to the address: [email protected] providing your personal and bank accreditation (DNI and bank details), so that the organization can validate the identity and make the bank transfer corresponding to the prize obtained.

UCI points:

*The distribution of points may be modified according to UCI regulations

14. Bicycle

14.1. The bicycle must comply with the UCI regulations, both in terms of technical characteristics and safety measures.

14.2. Competitors can change the bike at each stage, but they cannot change completely or change it during the stage (UCI regulations).

14.3 The bicycles parked in the official car park of the race may only be removed by the participants who wear the bracelet with the corresponding bib number.

15. Equipment

15.1. It is mandatory to compete with the bib number assigned by the organization. The bib number must be placed on the front of the bicycle and on the back of the participant. Both must be clearly visible and cannot be modified. The electronic chip cannot be modified and is attached to the back of the board.

15.2. All the leaders of the general classification must wear the leader’s jersey, issued by the organization. The leader’s jersey has a blank space both in front and behind reserved for the participant’s sponsors.

15.3. It is the responsibility of the participant to place their sponsors in the reserved space of the leader’s jersey.

15.4. For security reasons it is recommended to bring a mobile phone.

15.5. It may be necessary in some stages to wear certain warm clothing (raincoat, thermal leg warmers, etc.). The choice of material is the responsibility of the participants.

15.6. The organization will not be responsible in case of breakdown of the bicycle.

16. Sport and nature

16.1. Mountain biking is a competitive sport and/or a leisure activity that takes place in a natural environment and the impact it may have on the environment is the responsibility of all participants and organizers. Participants are asked not to litter on the route and to be respectful of the environment (do not pedal off the paths and not take shortcuts that could damage the vegetation), to be careful with animals, etc.

16.2. The commissioners and the organization reserve the right to disqualify any participant who does not respect the environment or private properties that come across during the race, and to expel him without the possibility of continuing to participate in the competition.

17. Considerations

17.1. Any participant may be subject to anti-doping control following the UCI regulations.

17.2. All participants must be respectful of other cyclists, commissioners, members of the organization, journalists and spectators.

17.3. The route where the competition takes place is drawn up exclusively for the race and the diffusion of the track is not allowed.

17.4. The commissioners reserve the right to disqualify any participant who does not respect these considerations, and to expel him without the possibility of continuing to participate in the competition.

17.5. All participants transfer their image rights to the organization, which can use any photograph or video derived from the competition.

17.6. The organization is not responsible for the expenses or debts that the participants may incur during the course of the event.

17.7. If necessary and only in case of force majeure and in order to guarantee the development of the event and the safety of all people (participants, commissioners, technical team, etc.) the organization reserves the right to delay the departure time , modify, alter or cancel a stage.

18. Claims

18.1. Claims must be formally submitted to the commissaires and will be processed following the UCI regulations.

19. Paddock

19.1. No participant or team member can camp or spend the night in the paddock, only those authorized by the organization. You have to make the corresponding reservation of space with the payment corresponding to the reserved area, you can do it sending an e-mail to [email protected] or [email protected]

20. Order of starting

20.1. The starting order of the first stage will be in order of points of the UCI ranking, XCO ranking and then in order of registration. For the second stage, the starting order will be: UCI Ranking and finish order of the previous stage.


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